Safety and sustainability is at the core of everything we do

The Company contributes to the following sustainable development goals provided by United Nations (FN): 7 – affordable and clean energy, 8 – decent work and economic growth, 9 – industry, innovation and infrastructure, 12 – responsible consumption and production, and 13 – climate action. We support the ultimate goals of the Paris agreement, and in addition, we will actively work to support the carbon free economy that the world needs in order to reach these goals.

Horisont Energi’s HSEQ policy

We are committed to operate our business in a way that will deliver lasting benefit to all stakeholders including the communities and environments where we work, our shareholders, employees and contractors.

The health and safety of people, the protection of the environment and compliance with all applicable legal and internal requirements, as well as industry best practice, are critical to the overall success of the Company.

  • Our approach

    Our ambition is to become a leading clean energy company offering clean ammonia and carbon storage services. Our mission is Accelerating the energy transition to carbon neutrality through pioneering projects. Our projects within carbon storage and production of clean ammonia contributes to the energy transition and low carbon society. Safety and sustainability are core values for Horisont Energi and our ambition is to deliver best-in-class clean ammonia and carbon storage facilities with respect to Safety and Sustainability.

  • Health, Safety and Security

    In Horisont Energi the health and safety for all personnel that are part of, or affected by our activities, has the highest priority. Our objective is zero harm to people. We will design and operate facilities with a high safety, security and working environment standard. We will use the barrier management thinking both in design and operation to prevent and reduce major accidents. We use the ”as low as reasonably practicable” (ALARP) principle to prioritize improvement measures.

    All employees and contractors are responsible for working safely and have the responsibility and authority to stop work that they believe to be unsafe.

  • Climate and Environment

    Our objective is to reach net zero by 2030 – including scope 1 (direct emissions), 2 (indirect emissions from purchased electricity) and 3 (all other emissions associated with our activities). For all projects greenhouse gas lifecycle emissions shall be estimated and used actively to minimize the footprint through using the best available technologies (BAT) and the ALARP principle. Carbon footprint for our ammonia and emissions from CO2 transport and storage shall be well within the EU taxonomy requirements of 3 tCO2e/tH2 and CO2 leakages <0.5% respectively.

    Our focus is on:

    – conducting our operations with minimal impact on the environment and biodiversity

    – maximizing energy efficiency in our plants

    – minimizing scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions

    – minimizing noise level and light pollution for the surroundings

    – careful use of resources and circular practices in design.

  • Social responsibility and human rights

    Our objective is to be a positive contributor to the local communities where we have activities.

    Our business and related activities, such as people working for our contractors, shall be conducted in compliance with internationally recognized human rights requirements, in particular:

    – The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD MNE Guidelines)

    – The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), including the principles and rights set out in the eight fundamental conventions identified in the Declaration of the International Labour Organisation on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

    – The International Bill of Human Rights.

    Horisont Energi shall work actively to create a working environment characterized by equality, diversity, inclusion, and mutual respect, this is elaborated in our Code of Conduct (HE-S-1005-PY).

  • Governance, quality and transparency

    Our objective is to operate according to good corporate governance to safeguard long-term value for our stakeholders in a sustainable manner. Our focus will be to

    – Apply the practices of the “Norwegian code of practice for corporate governance”

    – Meet and exceed where possible the requirements and expectations of our stakeholders

    – Ensure everyone has a clear understanding of the distribution of roles, responsibilities, rights, and accountability

    – Ensure quality, continuous improvement and work according to Plan-Do-Check-Act through compliance to our Business Management System

    – Emphasize a performance culture based on Horisont Energi’s values.

    In Horisont Energi we shall perform regular due diligence assessment with respect to the Transparency act for our business activities and suppliers to ensure human rights and decent working conditions.

Sustainability report

Our sustainability report is integrated in our annual report. Read more here:

Code of conduct

In Horisont Energi, ethics and transparency is not a means to an end, but an end in itself.Developing our character and striving to be better humans is key to a better life and to a successful business. The Code of Conduct shall reflect who we are, and who we strive to be. It is a public declaration of our company’s identity. It is also the key to a sustainable and responsible business for the future.

The purpose of the Norwegian Transparency Act is to promote companies’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. Horisont has established a process for receiving and managing requests on how the company is managing actual or potential human rights impacts across its organization and supply chain. Horisont’s account of due diligence for 2023 pursuant to the Norwegian Transparency Act is available here.    

If you wish to request further information on how Horisont handles actual and potential negative consequences for basic human rights and decent working conditions in accordance with section 6 of the Transparency Act, you are welcome to do so.  

Please send your request to the Chief HSSE Officer Malene Sandøy We will get back to you as soon as possible with a maximum response time of three weeks. 

Norwegian Transparency Act